
Creativity is a core issue for people.

We humans slowly die when we suppress our creativity.

As a young woman, I was artistically creative in various areas. I have written, drawn, made music for many years, played theatre, and designed and created silver jewellery.

While studying dentistry at university, I consciously stopped doing all of these activities. In the second or third year in my dental career, I painfully found that I lacked creative expression and needed some creative output to be happy! I felt my basic need to be creative so hard that I started to sketch a little after work. During this time, I made a couple of artworks that I still like and value.

I did not understand that developing a creative mindset in somewhat “uncreative” professions, in my case the as a dentist, comprises the high art.

Dentistry as a teacher

Dentistry is a great teacher when it comes to being human: fear, pain, shame, illness, denial, repression, lack. Patients bring in these sinister currents, which are as much a part of life as courage, health, lightness, daring, honesty, insight and abundance, with their teeth. University had not prepared us future-dentists for this, and in my concise, professional experience, I had not yet identified this topic as crucial. But at least dental treatments are often variable, especially since dental diseases quite often offer different methods, materials and therapies – ALL those alternatives include advantages and disadvantages, risks, side effects and different prices, regarding time, money and tooth substance.

Not only are the therapy alternatives different, but so are the people who have to choose them. At the time, I was not aware that I required creativity to find each patient’s best solution. I still had to learn how to direct a conversation so that the patient can decide which treatment to choose and how I can let him make his decision. This was a process, especially since I did not even know anything about communication-skills in my early dental years. I only assumed that we must respect our fellow human beings to make their fate and make their decisions. It all came with time, and I climbed the next level with my hypnosis training in 2007. But at the time I was – finally – self-employed, which already is a permanent creative process.

How it all interconnects

I only now see how all these threads run together. Knowledge of factual skills, thoughts, experiences from all possible areas can cross-fertilize each other. Each new skill can mean a breakthrough in a different area. Applying my jewellery design experience shaped my eyes and my senses for form and colour and aesthetics in general. No surprise that in the meantime, I certified as a dental aesthetics specialist, a discipline that gives me extraordinary pleasure!

Everyone is creative

Every profession, even every move, every thought can be creative or only robotic service according to the regulations. I still remember raising my eyebrows in disbelief when many years ago I heard some business guru saying, “If you want to be successful, you have to be creative!” I thought the exact opposite was true.

I was convinced that creativity was breadless art! Boy, was I wrong!

I was caught up in a negative belief without a glimpse of what a negative belief is!

It is wonderful to be on a journey as a person… What else is there to be learned and experienced?

My coaching practice’s centrepiece is developing my clients’ personal creative power and bringing them to their full expression! I know what I’m talking about and how universal this energy is.

To recognize the world as a creative paradise and convey to other people that this is what makes me happy and aligns perfectly with my purpose of life: